Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sea Rescue in Stockholm

The Swedish Sea Rescue Society has its centennial anniversery 2007, but is a very vital organisation. As part of the jubilee, it displayed its resources in front of the Royal Castle in the centre of Stockholm on August 23.

One fascinating new concept, developed by the Society inspired by rescue methodology used by sea rescuers in waters of Hawaii, is the Rescuerunner project. A very fast rescue variant of the water scooter has been developed and dispatched to rescue stations around the Swedish coasts.

The idea is get the person in distress very quickly onboard the water scooter with its especially for this purpose designed flat aft deck, using not the muscle power of the skipper, but the forces of the vehicle changing speed and direction at the same time.

It works like this:
The scooter makes a fast approach...

..., the driver gets the distressed person on his left side, stops and reaches out his left hand....

...while keeping his right on on the gas guzzle...

....makes sure that he has got a fast grip and controls the situation....

...slowly gets the scooter so that the distressed gets further back than midships....

....puts down the accelarator and lets the water jets blow..

.... while at the same time twist the vehicle decisively towards the right...
.... and increases the speed instantly....

...and new passenger is dragged onboard by strong forces...

...and lands safely och softly onboard.

...and voìla, back together towards the shore!

Mission successfully completed!

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